

tiistai 31. joulukuuta 2013

No kun kaikki muutkin niin mäkin

Eli pakollinen katsastus vuoteen 2013, onhan sitä tänä vuonna tapahtunut kaikenlaista. Voisi vaikka alottaa sillä, että perustin tämän blogin varmaan vuoden pähkäilyn jälkeen :'D

Conit tänä vuonna: Desucon, Tracon, Fansfest 
Cossit: Hikari (Digimon Zero Two), Zeo (Beyblade), Hakuryuu (Magi), (Mathida (Beyblade. Koska uusin peruukin), Gou (Free!), Elyon (W.I.T.C.H.)
Kierrätetyt cossit: Max (Beyblade)
Desuconista en enää edes paljoa muista mitään! Vain että Zeon peruukki oli tuskaa. Muuten oli kiva coni, paitsi sunnuntain kaatosade ei paljoa ilahduttanut kahta kävellen liikkeellä olijaa. Onneksi puolimatkassa asemalle törmäsimme kaveriimme, joka oli jäänyt odottamaan meitä, ja otti kyytiin! Ihana Visa! Jouduttiin silti venaamaan junaa melkein tunti, mutta saatiimpahan siinä välissä syötyä, koska conipäivän aikana ei ehditty.
Aijuu, ja näkyi itseni lisäksi KOLME muuta Beyblade cossajaa! I'm overjoyed! Tosin sen ainoa joka oli sunnuntaina kun minäkin, näin vaan esityskisan katsomon toisessa päässä, enkä enää sitten löytäny (oli vielä samalta kaudelta kun mie T^T)
Hikari ja Zeo oli muuten ekat cossit jotka tein kokonaan käsin ite (avun kanssa tosin) ^w^
Hakuryun ei ollut tarkoitus tulla tälle vuodelle, mutta sitten into iski liikaa ja se oli pakko tehdä. Yllätysnopeasti sainkin pojan kasattua, vaikka odotin että kokisin kerrankin sen kiireen mikä kaikilla aina tuntuu olevan. Ei sitten! Ja tein ensimmäiset propit! Kumpikin piti tehdä uusiksi... Kruunun olen fiksannut kuntoon, ei loppujen lopuksi tarvinnut tehdä paljoa muuta kuin repiä irti pinnistä, liimata uusi kiinnitystsydeemi ja maalata uusiksi. Keihäs odottaa mökkikelejä jotta pääsee sahan luo. Tosin conin jälkeen kuvia katsellessa huomasin, että olin vahingossa maalannut arvenkin väärälle puolelle naamaa...
Olin jo kirjoittamassa, että Hakuryu oli eka cossi vähään aikaan minkä jopa saattoi tunnistaa, mutta olihan mulla Hikari... :'D Mutta, Haku oli eka isomman fandomin cossi sitten Larxenen, kun tuo Magi-buumi nyt jylhää. Tosin conin jälkeen kuvia katsellessa huomasin, että olin vahingossa maalannut arvenkin väärälle puolelle naamaa... Tracon oli conina ihan perushyvä. Mielenkiintoisia ohjelmia löytyi.
Josta aasinsilta seuraavaan coniin, eli Fanfestiin. Täällä jo ragesinkin Fanfestin ohjelmatarjonnasta, kun nähtävää oli enemmän kuin mihin kerkesi! Loppujen lopuksi kävin tosi harvassa... Dubbauspaneeli oli kohokohta! Fanfest oli mukava con, toivottavasti saa jatkaa. Tosin isommat tilat olisi kiva. Paasitorni on muuten jees, mutta portaat.... Fanfestissä ei sentään ollut ihan niin paljoa porukkaa kuin Animeconissa 2006, ja sisällä mahtui jopa kääntymään, tilanpuute siinä mielessä ei mielestäni ollut ongelma. Cosseja en tänne laittanut (enkehannujunaanmennäcosseillalol), koska ei tuntunut sen tyypseltä tapahtumalta mihin yksikään omista asuistani olisi sopinut (ja koska oli niin kylmä ja kaikki mun asut on tehty kesäkäyttöön...)
Gouta ja Elyonia nyt en ole vielä päässyt käyttämään tämän vuoden puolella (paitsi casual versiot photoshootissa kummastakin), mutta ei kestä enää kauaa~!
Tajusin etten ole lisännyt tänne kuvia Hakuryuusta, joten tässä pari. Kuvat on ottanut Rewe. Lisää löytyy meitsin WorldCosplaysta!

Älkää välittäkö feilaavasta vyötäröasiasta. Sekin pitää korjata.. Isoveikka oli kiva kun leikki photarilla ja käänsi arven toiselle puolelle! <3
Valmistuin keväällä ravintolakokiksi. Wohoo! \o/ Juhlia vietettiin Lohjalla tätini luona, sillä myös serkkuni valmistui samaan ammattiin (koska Elisan ekat valmistujaiset, suostuin pitämään heillä (tai siis ei kukaan kysyny ees, mut eipä mulla sitä vastaan ollu mitää :'D), ite ku oon jo lukiosta valmistuneena bilettäny kerran). Lisäksi tätä ennen oli aivan mahtava Viron reissu luokan kanssa. Yksi yö Pärnussa (josta blogin kansikuva), yksi Tallinassa. Pärnussa tuli heitettyä talviturkkikin, kun oli niin kuuma. Kaverien kanssa tallusteltiin rannalla (joka oli ihan kuin jostain etelästä!), todettiin, että on kuuma, ja minä ja Heidi uskaltauduttiin kastautua.
Roihiksessa mulla oli ehkä paras luokka mitä mulla on koko koulu-urani aikana ollu. Ootte parhaita! <3

Lisäksi pääsin uudelleen opiskelemaan (vaikka koulu alkaakin 2014 puolella), nimittäin leipuri-kondiittoriksi, josta olen haaveillut jo pidempään. Lukion viimeisenä vuotena kun mietin mitä tästä eteenpäin, ajatuksena kävi myös ko. ammatti, ja tarkoitus oli alusta asti käydä kumpikin koulu. Jostain syystä X päätin käydä kokkikoulun ensin :'D Luultavasti jos olisin valinnut toistepäin tuskin olisi enää kokiksi mennytkään.....

Valmistumisen takia sain myös ensimmäisen oikean työpaikan kesällä, ravintola Piccolo Mondo Helsingin keskustasta. Tätä ennen olen ollut vain koulun työharjoitteluissa. Työkaverit olivat ihania, ja siellä pääsi tekemään hyvää ruokaa ja jopa välillä nautti työnteosta (pystyn sanomaan tämän kun en vielä paljoa töitä ole tehnyt xD). Vaikka kesä olikin hiljainen, töitä riitti. Harmi että jäi vain kesätöiksi, olisi ollut kiva jatkaa pidempäänkin. Toki syksyllä tein keikkaa muutaman kerran.

Tämän jälkeen yritin keikkailua parissa firmassa, Staffpointin ja Opteamin kautta. Keikkailu ei oikeen ole mun juttu :'D Nyt loppuvuodesta aloitin uudessa työpaikassa. Termico Ravintoloiden henkilöstöravintolassa. Tai oikeastaan kahdessa. Pääsääntöisesti olen Westendissä Intelillä, mutta aamuisin pyörähädän Juvanmalimilla sijaitsevan Icopalin henksun kautta. Ihan kivaa ja rentoa, mutta kun tuolla en oikein pääse tekemään ruokaa koska Intelin ruuat valmistetaan Icopalilla, ja sinne aamuun mennyt kokki tekee kaiken. Noh, kun koulu alkaa siirryn Ravintola Lämpöön Kalasatamaan tekemään viikonloppuisin brunsseja. Sinne vaan syömään!

Odotan paljon ensivuodelta. Uusi koulu alkaa, ja, se mitä eniten odotan, pääsen kesällä JAPANIIN!! Varmaan ainakin 8 vuoden haaveilun jälkeen :D hihii~ olisipa jo kesäkuu!

ai miten niin lähdössä jonnekin?
Cosplay-puolella luultavasti on ko. syystä talven jälkeen siis aika hiljaista, koska matka syö rahaa. Ensin mietin Oliveria ensi vuodelle, mutta taitaakin siirtyä seuraavalle. Traconiin on suunnitteilla yksi asu, riippuu vähän parista seikasta. Mathildaa ainakin tulen ensi vuonna käyttämään, se on varma!
Ensimmäinen coni onkin jo parin viikon päästä, Yukicon. Siitä kuukauden päästä Frostbite. Kuulin että sinne on tulossa W.I.T.C.H. porukka, vaikka niillä Elyon jo onkin :> Mutta isoveliiiiii~! (Okei, OOC ajattelua...)
Lisäksi ajattelin Kikuconia, jos vaikka joku innostuisi lähtemään megeen. Vähän mietin jos uskaltautuisi siellä kisaamaan, kun on pieni coni (nololjooenkumminkaa). Elyonia mietin, tai sitten Hakryuulla. Koska kumminkin käyn töissä koulun ohella, ja saan opintotukea ja asun vielä kotona, luulisi että rahat riittää yhteen TurQ matkaan :'D
Kesästä tulee ensimmäinen Desuton kesä! Melkein kamalaa, jos ei syy olisi mikä on :'D Lol joku Desucon! Menkää te vaa Lahtee, mie lähten Tokioo!
Traconiin meinaan kanssa mennä, ehkä ryhmäcossissa, ehkä en, as said. Ovat nimittäin menossa myös Desuun, ja sitten Traconiin kisaamaan, eli jos rahat riittää teen sen asun minkä meinasin, tai sitten lainaan joltain joka ei pääse/halua kisaamaan. Lisäksi Mathildaa ajattelin tänne, vaikka siihen onkin vielä piiitkä aika. Nyyhq....
Ollaan kaverien kanssa kesästä asti suunniteltu elokuvan tekoa. Tarkoitus oli jo kuvata tänä vuonna, mutta aikataulun tiukkuuden takia siirrettiin ensi vuoden loppukevääseen/alkukesään. Kyseessä on kauhuelokuva. Tästä lisää myöhemmin!
Lisäksi erittäin suuresti toivon että löydetään kaverin kanssa ensi vuonna kämppä! Se menee kesään-syksyyn kaverin Singapore-vaihdon takia, mutta let's hope the best!!

Vuodenvaihde menee tänä vuonna kotona kaverin kanssa koiravahteina, kun vanhemmat on naapurissa. Ehkä parivaljakolla on toisistaan nii paljon riemua ettei välittäisi raketeista (hah, hyvä vitsi). 

Briefly in english: 2013 is pretty much behind and lot has happened. I started a blog, graduated and got into a new school, got a first new job. I made three cosplays for this year, and have done two for next. I'm waiting for next year already, because there is going to be lot of excating things, like new school, trip to Japan, new cons!!

Hyvää Uutta vuotta!!
Happy New Year!!

sunnuntai 29. joulukuuta 2013

Animujaja part 2 3/3

Episodes: 193
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Romance, Fantasy, Supernatural, Shounen

Teenage girl falls to Feudal Japan, and learns she is reincarnation of dead priestness and holds powerful magical jewel Shinkon inside her. The jewel is broken, and Kagome must find all the pieces along side with Inuyasha, a half demon boy who is also after Shinkon's power.
Since first picture didn't have Koga, I just have to share Koga Cola!
I already talked about Inuyasha in my first anime post so I won't use space for it here :) Koga is another of my all time favorite anime character <3

Zero Two
Digimon Adventure
Seasons: 2
Episodes: 50/54
Genre: Action, Adventure, Kids, Fantasy, Shounen, Comedy

Various kids get sucked into Digital World and meet their own Digimon partners. They have to save both their own and Digital world from many disasters.

What can I say? This anime has so much nostalgia meaning :D I can't really say which one is better, the first or second season, both have so many good points. I also like Digimon Frontier, the fourth season, it's almost as good as Adventure~

Buu arc
Dragonball Z
Episodes: 291
Genre: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Shounen, Martial arts, Super Powers

 Peaceful years are behind, as Earth is targeted by many enemies, and Son Goku and his friends must protect it once again. Goku also learns about his past and that he is one of last survivors of Sayans, powerful alien race.

Maybe only one I can only watch in English dub :'D I've tried original version with DBZ too, but it just didn't hit. I've seen some movies only in Japanese, and they go as I haven't watched them in English :'D
My favorite characters are Trunks and Goten. I don't know which is better! And favorite story arc is Androind Saga (of course, it has Mirai Trunks <3). What annoys me is that towards the end Sayans are only ones who CAN do somethings, humans like Krillin are completely forgotten...

Because Ash is annoying, have some Pikachu
Seasons: 17+1
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy

10-years old kid goes off to the world with strange little creatures known as Pokémon which never end!

I guess I have to put this, even though I don't watch Pokémon anymore :D BUT! since it has been so big part of my life, and I like most of it. Pokémon was maybe my first real fandom. And it also lead me into the world of shipping thanks to Contestshipping (MayxDrew) l'3 
I think up end of Advance Generation, it was good. Diamond&Pearl was decent. I haven't watched after that. When will this shit end?! Pokémon is starting to be like Salatut Elämät or The Bold and the Beautiful, they just don't know when to quit.

Seasons: 2 (currently)
Episodes: 25/?
Genre: Action, Fantasy, Adventure, Shounen

This is story of the Magi, Aladdin and his friends Alibaba and Morgiana as they travel around the world, conquer dungeons and fight against Al Thamen.

I also talked Magi already before. I watched the first season, was like "meh.. okay", then I saw Hakuryuu and was like "...this just got more points" <3 My fandom actually started after watching the first season, when I decided to cosplay Hakuryu :'D 
And KOUHA! <3 That cute little bastard! He' rising dangerously above Hakuryuu.

Episodes: 12
Genre:  Comedy, School, Sports, Slice of Life, Bishounen

Do I even need to tell what this is about? 

(Half) Naked, pretty, wet boys. How can you not like this!? As with Magi, my fandom really started after watching the anime, even though I liked it already as I watched it. My favorite characters are Gou and Nagisa (not shipping, nooooo~)! Waiting for that season two~!

So, yeah... mostly "action, adventure, comedy, shounen" l'D I guess you got glimpse of my anime taste. I must say, if you look at my MAL anime-list, that's what you'll find mostly. I do like also watching some romance fluff and something cute at the times, when I'm in the mood.

And hey! I took part of Desucon and Copic Marker Finland's art conters, so go and vote me by liking my picture here!

I have been listening LesMis soundtrack whole day!

Goku is back with his new son, Gohan, but just when things are getting settled down, the adventures continue. Whether he is facing enemies such as Frieza, Cell, or Buu, Goku is proven to be an elite of his own and discovers his race, Saiyan and is able to reach Super Saiyan 3 form. He meets many new people, gaining allies and well as enemies, as he still finds time to raise a family and be the happy-go-lucky Saiyan he is.
Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/813/Dragon_Ball_Z#zCEjAM23PJbIfhe7.9
Goku is back with his new son, Gohan, but just when things are getting settled down, the adventures continue. Whether he is facing enemies such as Frieza, Cell, or Buu, Goku is proven to be an elite of his own and discovers his race, Saiyan and is able to reach Super Saiyan 3 form. He meets many new people, gaining allies and well as enemies, as he still finds time to raise a family and be the happy-go-lucky Saiyan he is.
Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/813/Dragon_Ball_Z#zCEjAM23PJbIfhe7.99
Goku is back with his new son, Gohan, but just when things are getting settled down, the adventures continue. Whether he is facing enemies such as Frieza, Cell, or Buu, Goku is proven to be an elite of his own and discovers his race, Saiyan and is able to reach Super Saiyan 3 form. He meets many new people, gaining allies and well as enemies, as he still finds time to raise a family and be the happy-go-lucky Saiyan he is.
Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/813/Dragon_Ball_Z#zCEjAM23PJbIfhe7.9
Goku is back with his new son, Gohan, but just when things are getting settled down, the adventures continue. Whether he is facing enemies such as Frieza, Cell, or Buu, Goku is proven to be an elite of his own and discovers his race, Saiyan and is able to reach Super Saiyan 3 form. He meets many new people, gaining allies and well as enemies, as he still finds time to raise a family and be the happy-go-lucky Saiyan he is.
Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/813/Dragon_Ball_Z#zCEjAM23PJbIfhe7.99
Higurashi Kagome, after being pulled down a well by a demon, finds herself in Feudal Japan, where she learns that a powerful jewel has been reborn inside her body. After the jewel shatters in an attempt to retrieve it from one of the many demons who was after its power, Kagome must join forces with the half-demon Inu Yasha (also after the jewel's power) to track down the shards of the jewel before its power falls into the wrong hands.
Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/249/InuYasha#iMZQTO7g1CgfxHh7.99
Higurashi Kagome, after being pulled down a well by a demon, finds herself in Feudal Japan, where she learns that a powerful jewel has been reborn inside her body. After the jewel shatters in an attempt to retrieve it from one of the many demons who was after its power, Kagome must join forces with the half-demon Inu Yasha (also after the jewel's power) to track down the shards of the jewel before its power falls into the wrong hands.
Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/249/InuYasha#iMZQTO7g1CgfxHh7.99
Higurashi Kagome, after being pulled down a well by a demon, finds herself in Feudal Japan, where she learns that a powerful jewel has been reborn inside her body. After the jewel shatters in an attempt to retrieve it from one of the many demons who was after its power, Kagome must join forces with the half-demon Inu Yasha (also after the jewel's power) to track down the shards of the jewel before its power falls into the wrong hands.
Read more at http://myanimelist.net/anime/249/InuYasha#iMZQTO7g1CgfxHh7.99"

lauantai 28. joulukuuta 2013

Animujaja part 2 2/3

Seasons: 3
Episodes: 51/51/52
Genre: Sport, Action, Adventure, Comedy, Shounen

Beyblade is a story about kids playing with spinning tops. You read right. Spinning. Tops. Beyblades can have a spirit of an animal inside of them, a bit beast, which player can summon during the battle and the player can make various techniques for the blade. 
Main character is Takao Kinomiya/Tyson Granger, Japanese teenager who loves beybladeing. He's happy, but emotional, easy to get angry, not afraid to speak his mind, and idiot, and he has a HUGE appetite. In his blade resides Dragoon, a spirit of dragon. He has a good friend, who is called Chief/Kyouju (he's real name is actually Manabu Shien, Kenny in the dub), and who is very intelligent and knows lot about beyblades, and fixs Takao's beyblade many times during the show.

The first season could be said to be divided into five parts. First, Takao takes part into a tournamet held to see who is the best in Japan. He wins, and gets to go to Beyblade World Championships to represent Japan with runner-ups from the contest. These are Max Mizuhara/Tate, a half American half Japanese happy-go-lucky boy who has Draziel (a turtle) blade, Rei/Ray Kon, of tribe of White Tigers from China, spinning Drigger the White Tiger, and Kai Hiwatari, lone-wolf from who-knows-where who owns Dranzer, a phoenix. All these four animals represent all Chinese Four symbols. Together the four boys form The Bladebreakers (BBA Team in original version).
From Helsinki Japanese Garden, also nicknamed as "Beyblade park"! It says garden of Blue Dragon, of Black Tortoise, of White Tiger and of Red Phoenix
From Japan the group travels to China to take part in Asian tournament. There they meet Rei's old team, who also participate. Rai/Lee, his sister Mao/Mariah, Kiki/Kevin and Gao/Gary are all Rei's childhood friends, but now they accuse Rei of betrayal. Rei was given the Drigger beast from their village's elder, Rai and Mao's grandfather. But soon after that, he left the village, taking Drigger with him. White Tiger tribe lives at the mountains in the middle of no where, and Rei had wanted to see the world and meet strong opponents. His friends don't know this, since he left without a word, and think he stole Drigger. In the end, they see how the things really is, and become friends again.
Next up is America. In USA there is large Beyblade association, called PPB (Power Play Beyblade), where the country's team, the All Starz come from, just as Japan's team is formed by same kind of group, BBA (Battle Association Beyblade). All the members are masters in some other sport or hobby activity. The tournament team consists Emily (tennis), Steve (American football), Eddie (basketball) and their captain Michael (baseball). But for Bladebreaker's surprise the couch of the team is Max's mom, Judy! Max is just as surprised as the others, as he thought his mom is a teacher of college. They both must put their emotions behind for the battle!

After America is Russian tournament, but by a trick of their manager, Mr. Dickenson/Daitenji, the boys end up travelling across the Europe first, to meet the best bladers of the continent: Robert from Germany, Oliver from France, Enrique/Giancarlo from Italy and Johnny from England. After beating them, the Bladebreakers finally get to Russia for the final showdown. But more old familiar faces occure. The host of the tournamet, Volkov/Boris, holds an abbey where Kai used to live and train as a kid, and the tournament's benefactor is no else than Kai's grandfather, Voltaire Hiwatari, and they try to take over the world. Kai joins Russian team, the Demolition Boys, along with Yuriy/Tala, Sergei/Spencer and Ian, who are all raised up to be emotionless battle machines. But friendship wins, and Kai returns to his friends, his past cleared now, for the battle. His place is taken by Boris/Bryan. The Bladebreakers become the World Champions, and the world is saved from Voltaire.
The most presentable picture there is
In the second season the Bladebreakers are once again united by an common enemy. This time it's a group called the Psychics. Their leader Gideon and Dr. B send various opponents against the team. Their plot is to create an artifical bit beast, a cyber bit beast. But all the users are taken over by the beasts, including Kai's class mate Yuuya/Wyatt, who ends up dying. Psychic's main team in the first part are Kane (Cyber Dragoon), Salima (Cyber Drigger), Jim (Cyber Draziel) and Goki (Cyber Dranzer). On the top of that, Saint Shields named group is also after the Four Holy Bit beasts. Ozuma, Mariam, Yusuf/Joseph and Dunga want to capture them so that the beast couldn't be used wrong, as it is their tribe's mission to protect them. But in the end they see that the bit beasts are in good hands.
Team Psychic from last ending of G-Revolution
 After Gideon and B defeated, the true boss of Psychics, Dr. Zagart, steals an ancient stone holding bit beasts from PPB. Bladebreakers also meet boy named Zeo, who soon is found out to be Zagart's son. It's also revealed that the reason Psychic's action is to get Four Bit beast for Zeo, so he could turn into a real boy. Zeo is an android copy of Zagart's real son, who is dead.
In V-Force there is also a World Championships, this time in pairs. Takao and Max, and Kai and Rei take part, and again Takao is victorious. In this season, they also get a new friend, a girl named Hiromi/Hilary, Takao and Chief's class mate.

The third season has two story arcs. The World Championships start again, but now Takao is faced with a problem. Max, Kai and Rei both return to their own countries, to be representatives there. Takao is stuck with new character, Daichi, who spins Gaia Dragoon/Strata Dragoon (resembles also the Four Spirits, being the Center). Daichi is a young kid who wants to be the best in Japan, as his late father wished him to be. Together Takao and Daichi from BBA Revolution, with Takao's big brother Hitoshi/Hiro as their coach. Max also gets a new team mate, a young man called Rick, who is very cocky and the two don't get along first. Rei teams up with Rai, and Kai with Yuriy. For third time, Takao wins. But he also has great pressure for winning. He has many emotional battles.
Girl power!
After the World Championships, the main team hears BBA is being demolished, and replaced by BEGA (Beyblade Entertainment Global Accociation), a group of professional beybladers lead by no one else but Volkov. As Takao refuses to join him, he puts up a Justice Five named tournament and gives Takao a month to gather five man team. Daichi, Rei and Max join immediately, but for their surprise, Kai decides to join BEGA! And to make things even more complicated, heroes' beys aren't even match for the pros'. Kenny invents a new beyblade, called Hard Metal System, and the team gets lots of help from their friends. But where to find the fifth member to new G-Revolution team? No one else is able to master the HSM!
The battle day comes. BEGA's team consists Garland, Ming Ming, Moses/Crusher and Brooklyn. At the last minute, Kai joins Takao and the others!

Own thoughts:
I've liked Beyblade ever since it first aired in Finland, and it's still one of my favourites <3 I watched G-Revolution, the third season a couple of years after the fist and the second one, and there was no going back. I can watch it over and over again, and not get tired of it!
First I only watched the English dub, but then changed to original version. It took a little getting used to, but I managed :'D
My favorite season is G-Revolution. The favorite character... well.... I can't decide! I currently have battle with Zeo (who it was before) and Oliver. But I love all the characters <3 except the adult baddies... And while writing this, I found out Daichi actually has a MEANING! \o/ I mean, I read somewhere he was put in anime because he was so popular in games, but I thought he was given Dragoon as well just randomly, because Takao Aoki ran out of ideas. But if you open that link of Four Chinese symbols, your find a fifth one, a Yellow Dragon who resembles the Center and Earth. And Strata Dragoon is a YELLOW DRAGON, with Earth element! Holy shit! There is actually a point! O[]O
It's quite fun if you think: Beyblade's are, like, 5x5cm sized plastic tops. If you sit at the back row of the stadium, you can't even see them if there wasn't that 100 times zooming screen! But still, the whole world is like "This is the best thing ever!!! \o/". And you can even get hospitalized because of beyblading! And they blow up staduims and buildings and towns!! If your parents ever told you toys were dangerous, they must have meant these.
What I have always wondered, and what annoys me greatly in this show, is that it's always "Takao is the world chapion". Umm, excuse me, the first season the Bladebreakers won, then Takao AND Max, then Takao AND Daichi (and Chief, as he was the third member). Takao never won alone!
Zeo: "Remember kids, this is Sirius business."
I'll try to get rest in the one post :'D I doubt I have this much to say about them! I might have gotten LITTLE carried away here...

maanantai 23. joulukuuta 2013

Cinnamon apple ice cream

(Even though our weather isn't really christmas-y....... T^T)

My mom asked me to figure a dessert for us for Christmas. As you know, there is lot stuff to eat during Christmas, so I didn't want to make anything too heavy, like a cake. So I decided to make some ice cream, since I got ice cream maker for graduation present last spring. But don't worry, even if you don't have this fancy and handy machine, you can still do home made ice cream!
The original  is from Gummerus's book "Ice cream ans milk shake", but I altered it a bit to make it Christmas themed, and added some glucose to make it softer.
This is the stuff I used, you can get it from normal food market (in Finland)

Cinnamon Apple Ice cream
5 dl cream
1,5 dl milk
~1/3 dl glucose syrup
4 egg yolks
85 g sugar
4 cinnamon sticks
250 g apple mach/jam

Heat the cream, milk, glucose syrup and the cinnamon sticks near to boil on a low heat. Take the pot away from the stove.

 Beat the yolks and the sugar until they are light and fluffy (like when making a cake batter). Add in the cream mixture and mix well. 

Add the apple mach/jam. Pour back into the pot. Brew on a low heat for 10-15 minutes while mixing, until it turns so thick it sticks to the back of wooden spoon. Don't let it boil, because then it's ruined. Taste. If more flavor is needed, add more cinnamon/apple.

Put the pot into a bowl with ice water, so that the brewing stops. Let it cool completely while mixing it once in a while so that cover will not form. Remove the cinnamon sticks (you can also let the ice cream to take flavor for over night).

If you use ice cream maker, make the ice cream by it's instructions. If not, put the mixture into a container (that can be put into a freezer, like an old ice cream box) and put it into a freezer without a cover for 1-2 hours, or until it starts to harden from the sides. Take out and mix well with fork until smooth. Put back into the freezer for 2-3 hours or until it's hard.

Enjoy your ice cream!

Cover the ice cream, if you save it longer.

It was yummy and tasted like cinnamon cookies~ I added some cinnamon powder just before putting it into the ice cream maker, but I also put 350 g of apple much. My cinnamon sticks were already from last Christmas, and once used, so they probably didn't have all the flavor in them anymore. Oh yeah! You can reuse cinnamon sticks, so don't trow them away after this! Wash and dry then well, and you can use them for something else another time. This is also a very basic ice cream recipe, which you can flavor any way you want :3 (except chocolate)

Remember to rest and eat well, that's what Christmas is for!

sunnuntai 22. joulukuuta 2013

Animujaja part 2 1/3

This time I'll present some of my favourite animes :) But since this would probably be too long thanks to two of them, I'm going to separate this into a few parts.

Shaman King
Episodes: 64
Genre: Action, Drama, Supernatural, Comedy, Adventure, Shounen

"I'm a Shaman. The one who links this world and the other world." These words said in the first episode sums up a meaning of shamans pretty well. Shaman is a person who uses power of spirits, in this case, to fight. Every shaman has their own main spirit, some can have multiple. Using Hyoi Gattai (letting the spirit "control" their body) they gain the spirit's strength it had when it was alive. Another shaman technique is Oversoul, where shaman uses his or her own shamanic strength, Furyoku, and insert the spirit into a medium it was familiar (samurai=katana). Other types of shamans are Spiritualistic Medium (can summon dead souls from the other world back to this world), Priest (controls the dead person's body itself) and Necromancer (controls the bones of the dead).
Every 500 a Shaman Fight is held to choose a Shaman King, who will look over and decide the course of the world for next 500 years with the Great Spirits. It is said that if you become a Shaman King, the Great Spirits grant you a wish.
"The appearance of the two stars of destruction, Ragoh and Keito, flying across the sky and proclaims to all the Shamans of the start of the tournament. " -Shaman King wikia
Shaman Fight is separated into a three parts. In the first part you meet your own Patch offical, who tests your skills. If you manage defeat him during the time limit of 10 minutes, he will grant you an Oracle Bell, a device that holds (without anyone actually knowing it) the rules of the Fight and how to get in touch with the Patch officals and it also tells your Furyoku level. This device is a passport to the Fight, without it you can't enter the Patch Village, where the Round Two is held.
Second part, Round One, a shaman battles three opponents individually. If you win at least two, you'll get to the Round Two. One win and one draw as well is enough even if you lose one battle.
After getting past Round One, the competitors have three months to get to Patch Village for the Round Two, where the actual tournament is held. Only hint is that it is somewhere around America. After getting there, they form three-man teams. The Fight is a basic tournament: if you lose, you're out, and the winner team advances.

Yoh's first Oversoul while battling against Silva.

The main character Yoh Asakura is lazy and easy-going boy, whose only purpose in life is to get an easy life. Or easy life for his fiance Anna Kyoyama, as she says it. In the first episode he meets Manta Oyadama, his class mate and first human friend. Manta isn't a shaman, but he helps Yoh many times during the show. Yoh's main spirit is Amidamaru, 600 years old samurai. Amidamaru's spirit remained in this world for 600 years, because before he died, he made promise with his best friend Mosuke that Mosuke would fix Amidamaru's sword Harusame to perfect state, and they would run away from evil daimyo they were serving. Daimyo sent his men after Amidamaru, which he killed before dying himself, never getting Harusame back. Yoh and Amidamaru leave to become Shaman King, along with their friends Horohoro, an Ainu boy from Hokkaido who controls ice with his spirit Kororo, Bokuto no Ryu (Wooden sword Ryu), a former enemy who became Yoh's student after seeing the greatness of shamans, and found his main spirit from Togakeroh after the spirit had taken over his body first, and Tao Ren, a Chinese boy who also first was an enemy and then became Yoh's number one rival with his spirit Bason. Along the way they meet more friends, British Lyserg Diethel and American Chocolove, and also enemies, from which main baddie is Hao Asakura, who resembles Yoh greatly, and X-Laws and their leader Iron Maiden Jeanne.
Only one can become a King. Who will it be?
The most epic bad guy in the anime history, who shares a seiyu with Moomin troll..
Own thoughts:
Shaman King was maybe a second anime I started watching after actually starting to watch anime (so Pokémon, Digimon and DBZ doesn't count to this). It still on this day remains as my favourite anime :3 I never get tired of watching it, even after almost ten years soon (holy shit, it's been long!). Horohoro is my all-time favourite anime character <3
The story changes from real shamanic action (of course, with modern touch) to mecha battles. Well, not basically mechas, but that's what I call it to make it easier :'D My brother always said the "mechas" bothered him since it wasn't shaman stuff anymore, but I was always okay with it. I have also read the manga, which I liked as well. I knew the story was different, and I was kind of shy of reading the manga for maaany years. But in the end I made myself do it. I gotta say, I might like anime still better. A couple of things were weird in the manga. Like all the dying and coming back to life.
Shaman King also has a sequel, Shaman King: Flowers, which is story of Yoh and Anna's son Hana, and a side story Shaman King 0, which I'm currently both reading.

I guess it's thanks to Shaman King I'm the otaku I am today :'D

ngnalbfskdl<3 Favourite character, favourite episode~
 Next up, Beyblade! o/

lauantai 14. joulukuuta 2013

Good news!

1. I got accepted to baker-confectioner school!! \o/ It's an adult education, so the school will be around 4 pm to 9 pm four times a week for max. two years. It's starting 14th of January. I'm so hapyyy!!!! I did try to apply the youth education last spring, but didn't get in. Well, I wasn't surprised, after all, I already have high school and the chef education...
Now I'd just need to tell my boss about this :'D Well, I did say at the job interview that I have applied there, and I WILL get in. We talked that maybe I could do a couple of days every week there, but then I started thinking I maybe don't want to work the days I have school (since physical job at morning and physical school at evening... nooooope), and they don't have work on weekends there.. So I was thinking it would be easier to quit there (Well gee, I had been already 3½ weeks, it's about time l'DD). Besides, I've gotten some kind of rash on my wrists while being there :/ 
Well, I have shift with my boss tomorow, so I can talk with him then.

2. EDGJFHTALEJFLNWGLHMHAEH I'M GOING TO JAPAN NEXT SUMMER!!!!! \o/ I'm leaving 3.6. and coming back 13.6. So ten days at Tokyo! :DD I'm going there with my friend. This is also first time I'm traveling outside Europe and without my family. I'm so excited! <3 We paid 570 € for the flights each. We still need to find a hotel to stay. The flight takes ~23 hours and has two changes, at Amsterdam and at Hong Kong. It's good to have company on that long trip :'D We still haven't thought were we want to visit, but we're staying only at Tokyo. I think there is enough to see for two first timers l'D Hihiiii~ I have only dreamed this since.... I was 13 maybe :'DD We were supposed to go to Japan in 2011 with my family, to Tokyo AND Kyoto, we had flights and hotels booked, but then came the earthquake/tsunami just a month before our trip would have started so it was cancelled >: So instead we went to Portugal. It was nice too, but knowing you COULD have been in Japan, it kinda reduced the mood a bit :'D

I visited Tuomaa's fair at Helsinki this morning with my parents. It's was held at in front of Helsinki Cathedtal, like every year. There were all kinds of small cottages where the shops were, selling Finnish handicrafts and treats. I have been there already for a couple of years before too. Of course, the mood would have been more Christmas-y if we would have snow >: WHERE IS OUR SNOW!!!?? 

We had some last week, but then it melted right away >: Then there was as storm yesterday. My dad and I went to custom service at morning at Helsnki-Vantaa's airport to get my packet (Elyon's shoes). While waiting at the car to the custom to open, it was blowing so hard that it felt the car was shaking! Good thing our electricity wasn't cut, many houses are still without electricity.

I also went to Fantasiapelit, our manga/nerd shop, and bought three first volumes of Attack on Titan~ I was wondering whether to start buying Magi or this, but since Magi has come out only for 3 volumes here, and I'm reading it on internet, I decided to start with Titans. I'm going to buy both anyway at some point. I wonder how many volumes Titans have :o The drawing style in manga isn't really what I usually like, but maybe I'll get used to it :3
Also they started releasing Magic Knight Rayearth in Finnish yesterday. I was planning to buy it as well. Maybe I'll now get to read it to the end at last :'D

So that this wouldn't be a completely photoless post, here's my finished Elyon cosplay ^w^

perjantai 6. joulukuuta 2013


Finland is celebrating 96th birthday today.

Cocoa base and white chocolate frosting. This recipe is from Kinuskikissa's website. Very good baking site, I find always good recpies and ideas there <3

torstai 5. joulukuuta 2013


Because this wasn't supposed to be just a cosplay blog, I thought that I could write about animes/mangas I'm currently watching/reading. Now days I'm really lazy when watching anime. Not meaning I'm like "bleh, do I have to", or that I wouldn't like it anymore. I just might watch two or three episodes a week, plus the still airing ones that release one episode a week.

I can only watch, like, two completed series at the time. Because for some weird principle of mine, I have to watch them like one episode of this, and one episode of that right after. I can't do like, five episodes of Inuyasha, then one DBKai. I have no idea why l'D Lately I have improved a bit on this side, because I have not felt like watching DB.

I haven really liked watching animes while they are still airing before either. When Free! started, I made an exception. And there it started.... :'D

So, currently I'm watching:

Inuyasha: Rewatching. 56/193. Inuyasha is a anime I first started during my first otaku years, I don't really remember when, but early. And it has stayed as one of my favourites until today. Koga is another of my all time favourite characters <3 I have watched the first anime a couple of times, I think, and read the manga many times, but since it has been a while, and Final Act finished I-don't-remember-when-but-not-that-long-time-ago, I wanted to watch WHOLE Inuyasha. Do I have to say anything else? I just love i<3

Otome Youkai Zakuro: 8/13. I saw Calssara's Zakuro cosplay, and she flatter this anime, so I thought of giving it a try. So far it has been good, it's very cute and I like the idea :3 Kinda feels like combined Rurouni Kenshin and Inuyasha? o_O

Dragonball Kai: 13/97. Sometimes called Dragonball Z Kai. I've planned watching this for long time, since it aired. As you might know, Kai is a remake of DBZ, for Z's 20th anniversary. Kai is made to follow manga more strictly, and dubs follow the original more than during Z. Meaning by following manga, meaning it cut off all the unnecessary shit Z had. Z had 291 episodes, Kai 97 episodes.... I also tried to watch this on Japanese, since I've always had problems with DB's Japanese voices.. I managed three episodes, then I had to change back to English dub :'D But I will still try!! o/

And still on-air ones:

Kill la Kill: 9/25. I was randomly checking airing series that I could start following, this was first one. It has been... interensing... :'D Now they have finally added Comedy to genres next to School life and Action. I wonder why they haven't given Ecchi to it, since Kill la Kill surely is that. I'm not into ecchi series, but Kill la Kill has been enjoyable anime.The drawing style is interesting and different from what I'm used to and it's not a bad thing. The idea using school unifroms as weapons is funny :'D I've had many laughs.

Nagi no Asukara: 9/26. This anime. The cuteness is overloaded. It's so sweet I can't take it! <3 Characters and the idea are nice. And the style is very cute. Did I already say cute? I can't say anything else about this l'D

Kyoukai no Kanata: 10/13. So far I have liked this as well. Idea is interensing. Too bad it seems to be left so short.

Kuroko no Basket 2nd Season: 9/26. Before Free! I didn't really mind sport animes. Cilla recommended KnB to me sometime earlier this year when I was asking around what to watch, but I only watched it now :'D I was a little bit dissapointed, as I had heard so much good about KnB, but first I didn't think it was that good. Now I have warmed up for it. Not my favourite, but still good :'D

Magi The Kingdom of Magic: 9/?. Do I even need to say it. Magiii <3<3 And I have no ida why, but while reading manga, I thought Spinthus was a woman. The face I had when I heard his male voice.

Free! Specials: 4/7. These are just as good as the anime itself <3

Attack on Titan Picture Drama: 3/?. ToocuteIdon'teven----

Then mangas (I'm even more lazy when it comes into reading manga l'D I've always been into anime more):

Kyoukai no Rinne: 11/? (volumes). I like this. Of course, it's Rumiko Takahashi<3 Well, it's not so good as Inuyasha or Ranma, but good anyway. Too bad Egmont is quiting translating manga, it won't finish Rinne >: I read much rather form book than from internet.

Magi: 205/?.  Magi is still <3

Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun:  Anime wasn't much anything, since it was these "ended before manga" ones. Manga is cute, but bit boring. All these "I love you, no wait I don't, of yes I do after all"and all other love-problems.... *sigh*

Pokémon Adventures: Much better than anime :'D based more on games. LeafGreen/FireRed is my favourite arc~ 

Shaman King Flowes: 17/?. Sequel of Shaman King, tells story of Hana, Yoh and Anna's son. I still can't figure the timeline, buuut nevermind. It's good. I love seeing Shaman Kids (Ahaha, get it?), and seeing continue to my all time favourite anime <3

Shaman King 0: 5/? I'm listing this here even though I'm not sure if it's still ongoing. MAL lists it completes, but MangaHere ongoing. (And in last Flowers chapter, it was said this month will come out 0, not Flowers chapter). Kinda like prequel for SK. Horo Horo <3

 Wow, that's actually pretty much for same time.... o_O How do I do this!? And ow have I managed to pick animes that all started at the same time (all get 10th episode this week)? :'D

This song always makes me laugh x3

maanantai 2. joulukuuta 2013

Elyon WIP

Sainpahan tämän julkastua, vaikka Bloggeri kovasti sitä vastaan olikin.
Nyt kun olen viimein selättänyt räkätautini, voin taas jatkaa cosplayin parissa. Ihan eka WIP päivitykseni, wohoo! Emminätälläisiäosaalol.

Elikkä jos vaikka ihan ekana kertoisin minkä version Elyonista teen (se kun nyt on ollut hirveän suuri salaisuus).

  Tämä on siis se asu, mikä Elyonilla oli ensimmäisessä extra-lehdessä, Elyon, Meridanin valo. Tuore kuningatar on tyytymätön omaan tietämättömyyteensä, ja lähtee matkaamaan ympäri Epämaita tutustuakseen valtakuntaansa. Tämä on Elyonin vaatteista lempparini <3 Olen tykännyt siitä siitä asti kun ensi kerran luin ko. tarinan, ja kun päätin cossata Elyonia, tiesin heti että teen tämän asun (oikeasti en vain tykkää mekoista).

Asu koostuu siis hupullisesta tapardista, paidasta ja housuista. Ensi kertaa oikeasti katsoin millaisia kankaita ostan. Hakuryuulla peruspuuvilla toimi, mutta tähän ei. Näin jälkeenpäin olen ihan tyytyväinen kangasvalintoihin, vaikkakin olisin toivonut lilan kankaan olevan vähän joustavampaa :'D
Tänään siis alkoi piparien voimalla ja joululalujen säestämänä armoton ompelu-urakka. Olin jo aiemmin leikellyt ja siksakannut ne, ja tehnyt taparin pohjan.

Tästä lähdettiin tänään liikkeelle.
Ensimmäinen ongelma syntyi paidassa, kun kangasta olikin liian vähän! En tiedä oliko sekaannus meikäläisen vai Eurokankaan myyjän (kuvaa kyllä näytin), mutta leveät hihat veivätkin niin paljon tilaa, ettei taka-kappaletta saanut kokonaan. Rahapulassa päädyin siis seuraavaan ratkaisuun: kaivoin vaatekaapistani vaaleanpunaisen pitkähihaisen trikoopaidan, ratkoin siitä hihat irti ja ompelin uudet tilalle.
Pieni väriero, eihän sitä huomaa. Eihän?
Simsalabim! Isot hihat on isot
 Ehkä joskus teen uuden paidan.

Sitten huppari. Ensimmäistä kertaa ompelin muuten hupun. Muuten itse paita oli helppo, ihan peruspaidan kaavoilla. Onneksi veljeni ja hänen kihlattunsa olivat meillä viikonlopun, joten sain Tiinalta apua. Hän yleensäkin auttelee kaavoissa ja muissa kohdissa, joita en itse osaa. Huppukin saatiin muutaman purkamisen jälkeen paikoilleen.
Jos tuosta mitään selvää saa. Yritin ainakin saada siitä uber siistin!
Ongelma tosiaan tuli siinä, ettei tuo kangas jousta. Ilman huppua sain hökötyksen juuri ja juuri pään yli, mutta hupun kanssa, no way. Keksin sitten tehdä eteen sellaisen nyöritys asian, mikä sopii jotenkin myös asun henkeen (Meridian kumminkin on sellainen fantasia-keskiaika-tyylinen paikka).

Tuommoisen. Tosin nauhan vaihdoin vähän sopivampaan.

Sitten oli vuorossa vyö ja nuo vaaleanliilat kantin vai miksiniitänytkutsutaan. Että voikin joku asia aiheuttaa päänvaivaa! Taistelin yli puolet ajasta että sain kantit leikattua ja sekä edestä että takaa käännettyä nätisti. Ja kun niitä on vielä joka helkatun aukossa!! Noh, selvästikin loppua kohden harjaannuin siinä, sillä viimeinen hiha meni jo aika sukkelasti :'D Vyöhön ompelin nepparin pitämään sen kiinni. Tuo vaalean liila kangas on muuten ihanaa <3 Ja se riitti juuri ja juuri.
Yläosa koko komeudessaan. Eihän se väärän värinen paita edes onneksi näy.
Eli enää puuttuu housut. Nekin on tosin jo siinä vaiheessa, että enää kasaan pitäisi ommella. Voisin yrittää huomenna jaksaa tehdä ne. Kengät tilasin eBaysta, ja jännitän nyt ehtivätköhän ne (Viimeinen ennustettu saapumispäivä pitäisi olla tosin 7. tammikuuta, että pitäisi kyllä). Ne saattavat olla (ovat.) liian tummat, mutta sitten maalaillaan. Tuollaiset. Nuo näyttää niin kivoilta, että niitä voi kyllä pitää muutenkin <3 Vähän jännään myös että onko oikean kokoiset. Taulukon mukaan USAn koko 6 pitäisi vastata meidän 37.

Goukin on oikeastaan valmis rusetin valkoisia raitoja ja peruukin saapumista myöten. Tai no, sukkia ei ole oikeanlaisia, mutta koska talvi ajattelin ottaa vapauden laittaa sukkikset :'D
Ekaa kertaa myös ompelin rusetin. Olen siihen oikein tyytyväinen~ Ensin siis leikkasin nuo kaikki palat erikseen ja ompelin kasaan. Sitten vain pujotin nuo kaksi muuta kappaletta tuon keskiosan läpi. Volá!
Hameesta ei tullut otettua kuvia, näette sitten joskus :3

Tietääkö kukaan muuten kivoja animuaiheisa joululauluja? Ite oikeastaan tiiän vaan Pokemonin ja Digimonin biisit.
 Tässä pari omaa suosikkia:

Hyvää Joulun Odotusta! <3 Muistakaa olla kilttejä, tontut katselee ikkunoista!

Briefly in English: I had quite a lot troubled uploading this :'D I'm working on Elyon's costume, currently having made the shirt and the hoodie :3 I also have Gou pretty much ready.