(tylsyys joten päätin tehdä tän jo nyt)
Puhuttaisko hetki ens vuoden suunnitelmista?
Coneja mihin ainakin ajattelin mennä:
- Yukicon
- Desucon Frostbite
- Tracon
- Popcult
Ja sitten pari epävarmenpaa on Närcon ja Archipelacon. Närcon oli silleen puhetasolla parin kaverin kaa jotka kans haluis lähtee, et jos ne lähtee ni sit mieki. Ja voi olla että joku muu putoo sit ehkä pois. Archi jää kyllä pois jos Näriin meen. Ostin sinne lipun ku makso vaa 10 e, et se ei oo kauhee menetys jos en pääsekkää, ja sen saa varmaa myytyä kyllä.
- Yukicon
- Desucon Frostbite
- Tracon
- Popcult
Ja sitten pari epävarmenpaa on Närcon ja Archipelacon. Närcon oli silleen puhetasolla parin kaverin kaa jotka kans haluis lähtee, et jos ne lähtee ni sit mieki. Ja voi olla että joku muu putoo sit ehkä pois. Archi jää kyllä pois jos Näriin meen. Ostin sinne lipun ku makso vaa 10 e, et se ei oo kauhee menetys jos en pääsekkää, ja sen saa varmaa myytyä kyllä.
Pukuja on yks 100% varma, ja se on Beybladen Oliver Boulangier (emmääosaakirjottaatota). Herraan on jo valmiina peruukki ja paita- ja huivikangas. Oltsu tulee varmaan viimeistään Frostiin, jos ei jo Yukiin, riippuu asioista X.
How about we talk about plans for next year for a moment?
Cons I have planned on going:
- Yukicon
-Desucon Frostbite
-Summer Desucon
And then a couple of more unsure area Närcon and Archipelocon. About Närcon we spoke with few of my friends who would also like to go, so if they go I probably will too. And it might be that some other con drops off because of this. If I go to Närcon then I won't go to Archi. I did already buy a ticket there as it was only 10 euros, so it's not a big loss and I can probably sell it.
- Yukicon
-Desucon Frostbite
-Summer Desucon
And then a couple of more unsure area Närcon and Archipelocon. About Närcon we spoke with few of my friends who would also like to go, so if they go I probably will too. And it might be that some other con drops off because of this. If I go to Närcon then I won't go to Archi. I did already buy a ticket there as it was only 10 euros, so it's not a big loss and I can probably sell it.
Of costumes I have one 100% sure one, and that's Oliver Boulangier (Idon'tknowhowtowriteit) from Beyblade. I already have a wig and the fabrics for the shirt and scarf ready. Oliver comes to the Frostbite at the latest, if not to Yukicon already, it depends on the thing X.
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Moar hyrräilijäpojuja |
Muita vähän vähemmän varmoja pukuja on sitten jokunen, joista sitten valitsen ainaki pari vähän fiiliksen mukaan miten rahaa riittäää.
I have few of other a little bit less sure costumes, of whihc I choose at least depending on a feeling at least a couple, depends of how I have money.
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Lucifer/ Hanzo Urushihara - Hataraku no Maou-sama |
Kuulin vähän huhua HnMs ryhmästä, en tosin tiä millon : D Lussea oon siirtäny eteenpäi muiden suunnitelmien tieltä jo sen verta pitkää, että ois kiva tehä se. Ja se on suht iisikin.
I heard a rumor of HnMs group, I don't know when yet though :'D I have moved Lucifer forward from the way of other plans for too long, it would be nice to do this at last. And it's quite easy too.
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Hajime - Hamatora |
Hajime oikeestaan on jo valmis, se pitäis vaan päästä kuvaamaan/käyttämään : D
Hajime actaully is ready already, just need to get to photoshoot/use her : D
Hajime actaully is ready already, just need to get to photoshoot/use her : D
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Nagumo Kaoru - Hakuouki |
Juuuuuuuu, kattelin tossa kesällä Hakuokukin, ja kun ekan kerran näin Kaorun tässä asussa, tuli heti silleen "YES PLEASE!" :'DD Kun nyt Oliver on tulossa alkuvuodelle, aattelin Kaoruu ehkä Traconin suunnille.
Yeeeeaaah, I watched Hakuouki during summer, and when I first saw Kaoru in this costume, I was right away that "YES PLEASE!" :''D Now that Oliver is coming for start of the year, I was planning Kaoru for later, maybe Tracon.
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Max Tate - Beyblade G-Revolution |
Maxin kolmoskauden asu on jo pitkään ollu suunnitelmissa, kovasti haluaisin jo päästä tekemään sen ;^; oli tosin vähän puhetta ehkä ryhmästä, että riippuu saanko sen et teenkö tätä millon :>
I have had Max's third season outfit in mind for a long time already, I'd really like to do it already ;^; there was some talk of agroup, it might depend on that when I'll do this :>
Olin alkuun sillee joo en salee ikinä cossaa tota! Mut sit jotain tapahtu ja aloin tossa syksyllä suunnittelee :'D Ehkä ranta!Yukiin jos se tulee tms.?
I have had Max's third season outfit in mind for a long time already, I'd really like to do it already ;^; there was some talk of agroup, it might depend on that when I'll do this :>
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Aladdin - Magi |
First I was like nope I'm never gonna cosplay him! But then something happened and during autumn I started planning this :'D maybe to beach!yukicon if it comes again or something?
Sitten on vielä yks suunnitelma, jota en vielä paljasta, koska se on ollu vielä vähän puhe tasolla. Kyseessä ois paricossi, ja riippuu vähän tehäänkö nää jo nyt vai vasta myöhemmin.
Then I still have one plan that I won't tell yet, since it has only been on a talking level. It's a pair cosplay, and it depends a little do we do it now or later.
Oliveria, Kaorua ja ?:iä lukuunottamatta näähän on kaikki aika suht yksinkertasia : D
Mutta kattellaan mitä se vuosi tuo tullessaan :> Toki pyrin myös käyttää vanhoja asuja. Ainaki Frostii meinasin toiselle päivälle Elyonia.
Excluding Oliver, Kaoru and ? all these are pretty simple : D I have wigs for almost everyone, Hajime is missing only a couple of little things.
But let's see what the year brings on : > Of course I try to re-use my old costumes. At least to Frostbite I was thinking of Elyon.
Sitten asiasta kukkaruukkuun, saatoin tossa eilen värjätä hiukset. Vähän yli vuoden oon hillunu punapäänä, mut nyt päätin kokeilla jotain uutta:
By the way, I might have colored my hair yesterday. I've been a read head for over a year, but now I decided to try something new:
Oisin toivonu vähän vaaleempaa liilaa, mutta koska tumma+punanen pohja... :'D Noh, kokeilen ens kerralla vaalentaa eka!
I would have hoped for more lighter violet, but since dark+red bottom... :'D Well, next time I'll try lightening it first!
Tsau! o/
Mutta kattellaan mitä se vuosi tuo tullessaan :> Toki pyrin myös käyttää vanhoja asuja. Ainaki Frostii meinasin toiselle päivälle Elyonia.
Excluding Oliver, Kaoru and ? all these are pretty simple : D I have wigs for almost everyone, Hajime is missing only a couple of little things.
But let's see what the year brings on : > Of course I try to re-use my old costumes. At least to Frostbite I was thinking of Elyon.
Sitten asiasta kukkaruukkuun, saatoin tossa eilen värjätä hiukset. Vähän yli vuoden oon hillunu punapäänä, mut nyt päätin kokeilla jotain uutta:
By the way, I might have colored my hair yesterday. I've been a read head for over a year, but now I decided to try something new:
Oisin toivonu vähän vaaleempaa liilaa, mutta koska tumma+punanen pohja... :'D Noh, kokeilen ens kerralla vaalentaa eka!
I would have hoped for more lighter violet, but since dark+red bottom... :'D Well, next time I'll try lightening it first!
Tsau! o/
OMG Kaoru! :O This needs a Hakuouki group! :'D
VastaaPoistaOf course I'm Chizuru, hahah. I'm happy to find someone cosplaying my dear (?) brother! :D
Good luck with the costume. :)
Sistaaaaah~<3 Kaoru is pretty sure to come, so that would be cool if we could have shoot together somewhere!
PoistaOh, you're so good for making cosplay plans for next year already! I still don't know any of my cosplays for next year except for one. XD Well. However, I can't wait to see you as Kaoru and I also like your new hair color. ^^ I had a similar color once.
VastaaPoistaYeah, I already had plans so I though that why not reveal them already :'D Hihii, thanks! I wanted a bit more violet, but red is so strong colour it just pushes trough everything. Gotta try lightening this for next time :D
PoistaWow Kaoru! Didn't exactly see that one coming (few people cosplay him) but I'm happy you started watching Hakuouki! <3 I'd love to have a Hakuouki cosplay group if you are interested - maybe Tracon hmhmh? :'D I can totally join as one of the main guys, Saitou or Okita probably, but I might do someone else as well, dunno yet. I've been thinking about Kazama lately!
VastaaPoistaOh and for some reason I'm excited about the Beyblade cosplays too! I admit I've only seen random episodes of the first season but I loved it surprisingly much as a kid and yeah, I should really watch it all the way too. Still have some old toy beyblades lying around somewhere, could maybe use them for cosplay props someday. xD
That would be awsum! : D I was thinking Kaoru to Tracon.
PoistaOf course you should be because Beyblade is DA BEST!! And you should watch it. like. now.