Ai Desucon? Ai ohi jo vai? Mitä?
Viikonloppu hujahti älyttömän nopeesti! Tuntuu että vastahan se coni alko : D Conidarra on kova ja itken kun on ikävä ihania ihmisiä, eikä siihen yhtään auta et näin just koiraa ulkoiluttaessa ku toho lähistölle tuli auto täynnä cossi- ja anime tavaraa.
Desuun lähdin ekaa kertaa autolla niin että olin ite kuskina. Jänskää! Tosin se oli vähän vielä viikolla epävarmaa, koska keskiviikkona äiti soitti: "joo tota volvon oven lukko on rikki..." FFFFFF--- onneks iskä sai sen korjattua. Lähdin matkaan Kenjin ja Myyn kanssa ajoissa että ehitään ennen ruuhkia Lahteen. Retkeämme yrittivät haitata lukuiset rekat ja hitaat ajoneuovot. Myytä haettaessa meidän edessä kulki melkeen koko matkan motarilta poistumisen jälkeen joku vitun traktori.
Noh, päästiin saapumaan Lahteen joskus kahden jälkeen, jätin auton Sibbelle josta matkakumppanini hakivat työvoimabadgensa, pikasesti moikattiin Retaa ja sitten kaupan kautta Dinolle, jossa taas majoituimme. Nopsaan söin ja aloin vetää cossia päälle, sillä olin sopinut meneväni neljäksi shoottaamaan KikiGabriellan Kisumi-cossia. Sain meikit naamaan jotenki ennätysvauhdissa ja sit kuulu ku Dino ja Nita alko tekee lähtöä ja olin sillee "OOTTAKAA MUA!" ja vedin vaatteet ja peruukin päähän sillee viidessä minuutissa : D en ees ehtiny kattoo kunnolla peilistä miltä näytän (oliko tuolla ees kokovartalopeiliä, nyt en ees kyl tiiä). Kävin heittämässä tavarat kirppikselle, menin ulos oottelemaan ja vaihdoin lipun rannekkeeksi. Törmäsin myös Pörröön ja Kurttuun ja pölistiin kunnes shootti(uhrini)toverini saapui.
Laitan tähän nyt pari omaa lemppari kuvaa, käykää Kikiltä kattomassa niitä sitten enemmän! En editoiny näitä ollenkaa koska olen laiska.Yritettiin ottaa myös jotain pari kuvia kameran itselaukasijalla, mut no, ei ei ihan onnistunu : D tai siis näyttää ne iha kivoilta mut ne pitkälti kaikki o blurreja.
Oh Desucon? Over already? What?
The weekend flew past super fast! It feels like the con just started : D I have a huge con hangover and I'm crying because I miss all the lovely people and it didn't help that while walking my dog I saw a car here nearby full of cosplay and anime stuff.
For the first time I drove myself to the con. Exciting! Although it was a bit unsure whether I get the car as on Wednesday my mom called: "yeeeah the lock of the car's door is broken.." FFFFFF-- luckily my dad fixed it in time. I left with Kenji and Myy early so that we'd get to Lahti before the rush hours. Our adventure was slowed down with trucks and other slowly moving vehicles. While we were on the way to get Myy some fucking tractor drove in front of us veeery slowly whole way ever since we got off the high way.
Well we got to Lahti a bit after two and I left the car to Sibeliustalo from where my travelling companions went to get their worker badges and we quickly said hi to Reta and went to Dino's place where we stayed for the con again. I ate quickly and started putting on my costume as I had promised to photoshoot KikiGabriella's Kisumi costume. I got my make up on in oddly short time and then I heard as Dino and Nita were about to leave and was like "WAIT FOR ME!" and pulled on the costume and the wig like in five minutes :'D I didn't really even take a good look on how I looked from the mirror (I don't really even know if there was whole body mirror). I threw my stuff to the flea market, went outside to wait and to change my ticket to the wristband. I bumped into Pörrö and Kurttu and talked with them until my shooting victim partner showed up.
I'll put here a couple of my own favourites, go to Kiki's page to see more! I haven't edited these ones at all because I'm lazy. We tried to take some pictures together with camera's self timer but they didn't turn out so well : D I mean they look nice but are quite blurry.
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have one anyway! |
Jouduttiin vielä hetki oottelemaan että ovet aukee klo 17. Löysin ihmiset ja mentiin kattomaan avajaisia. Sitten jonkin aikaa pyörimistä ja yritettiin Pörrön ja Kurtun kaa päästä kattomaan Cosplay Tour Europen esitystä. Oltiin ajoissa, varmaa kakskytä minuuttii ennen, mutta sali tuli tosi täyteen (se oltiin laitettuu siihen pienimpään huoneeseen! >_< ), osa päätti siirrellä pöytiä et saa enemmän istumatilaa, ja sit JV:t tuli häätää kaikki lattialla istuvat ulos. Arvatkaa oltiinko lattialla,,, Ehkä se ainoo ohjelma mitä koko conissa oisin oikeesti kisojen lisäks halunnu nähä ;_; toivottavasti se julkastais jossain pian!
Jälleen pyörimistä, törmäsin Kataan joka ilmotti et meijän huomisen paricossi oliki muuttunu ryhmäks ku se oli värvänny meille lisää jengiä : D jee! Hengailtii muutamien näiden tyyppien kanssa ja Elemmire tuli paikalle ja kysy halutaanko shoottimaan ja todettii että miksipä ei! Ulkona tuuli kovaa mutta oli kivaa otella kuvia :> Otin ite vähän "behind the scene" tyyppisiä otoksia ja Ellu nappas munki cossista pari kuvaa. En nyt jaksanu ootella niitä, laitan sitten ku teen Magi-shootista postauksen (katotaanko vaa ni saan ne tänää). Saanko muuten hehkuttaa et mulla ei ollu Goun peruukissa YHTÄÄN pinniä! Ja se pysy! Ei valunu ollenkaa! Paitsi vähä illalla. Mut ei puhuta siitä. Olen iloinen. Ja hämmentynyt.
Sitten oikeestaan taisin lähteä Dinon kanssa takasin kämpille koska väsy. Käytiin saunassa ja jutskailtiin kunnes muut tuli. Taisin päästä nukkumaa joskus yhen jälkee.
We had to wait still for a while before the doors opened at 5 pm. I found some people and we went to see the opening ceremony. Then there was some random hanging around and me, Pörrö and Kurttu tried to get to see the Cosplay Tour Europe's document. We were early, maybe like twenty minutes before it started, but the room came so full (it was held in the smallest program room! >_< ) and some people decided t move the tables so that there were more sitting space and then guards came to tell that everyone sitting on the floor leave. Guess were we on the floor... This was maybe the only program besides the cosplay contest that I really would have wanted to see ;_; I hope they publish it somewhere soon!
After this hanging around, I met with Kata who informed me that our pair cosplay had evolved into a group as she had got us more people : D Yaay! We hanged some of these guys and Elemmire came up and asked if we wanted to photoshoot and we said why not! It was very windy outside but it was fun taking pictures :> I took some behind the scene pictures and Elemmire also snapped few photos of my cosplay. I was too lazy to wait for them so I'll just put them when I'll do separate post of Magi-shoot. Can I just brag that I didn't have ANY hair pins on my Gou wig! And it stayed! It didn't try to fall off! Exept little at the evening. But let's not talk about that. I am happy. And confused.
After that me and Dino started heading back to her place because we were tired. Went to sauna and talked until others came. I think I got to the bed at after 1 am.
Tästä nyt ei tullu kovin pitkä, mutta koska lauantain postauksesta tulee ni en viittiny niitä samaan laittaa. Perjantainaki oli jo kivaa, mutta tästä coni vaan parani! Stay tuned!
This isn't too long, but as Saturday's post will be I didn't want to put them together. Friday was already fun, but the con only got better from here! Stay tuned!
We had to wait still for a while before the doors opened at 5 pm. I found some people and we went to see the opening ceremony. Then there was some random hanging around and me, Pörrö and Kurttu tried to get to see the Cosplay Tour Europe's document. We were early, maybe like twenty minutes before it started, but the room came so full (it was held in the smallest program room! >_< ) and some people decided t move the tables so that there were more sitting space and then guards came to tell that everyone sitting on the floor leave. Guess were we on the floor... This was maybe the only program besides the cosplay contest that I really would have wanted to see ;_; I hope they publish it somewhere soon!
After this hanging around, I met with Kata who informed me that our pair cosplay had evolved into a group as she had got us more people : D Yaay! We hanged some of these guys and Elemmire came up and asked if we wanted to photoshoot and we said why not! It was very windy outside but it was fun taking pictures :> I took some behind the scene pictures and Elemmire also snapped few photos of my cosplay. I was too lazy to wait for them so I'll just put them when I'll do separate post of Magi-shoot. Can I just brag that I didn't have ANY hair pins on my Gou wig! And it stayed! It didn't try to fall off! Exept little at the evening. But let's not talk about that. I am happy. And confused.
After that me and Dino started heading back to her place because we were tired. Went to sauna and talked until others came. I think I got to the bed at after 1 am.
väsyuguu |
Ja Yuki <3 |
This isn't too long, but as Saturday's post will be I didn't want to put them together. Friday was already fun, but the con only got better from here! Stay tuned!
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