Olen viimein selvinnyt conirutosta. Cosvisionin cossit ei olleet tosiaan ihan mitään säähän sopivia, ihan itteäänhän tästä voi vaan syyttää l'D
Conia edeltävänä perjantaina kävin äitin kanssa katsomassa Pieni Mereneito-baletin Helsingin kansallisopperalla. Mulla oli tosiaan perjantaina synttärit niin käytiin niitä hieman juhlistamassa, ja äiti yllättiki että oli varannu meille pöydän ja kakkukattauksen väliajalle <3 Baletti oli tosi upea ja tykkäsin paljon siitä. Erityisesti tykkäsin kun vedenalaisia kohtauksia varten yleisö sai 3D-lasit. Yleensä en 3D efektistä välitä mutta tuo oli tosi kiva lisä :>
I have finally beated the conflu. My cosplays for Cosvision weren't exactly fit for the weather so I got no one but myself to blame l'D
On the Friday before the con I went to see Little Mermaid ballet with my mom at Helsinki National Opera. It was my birthday then and we celebrated it a little and mom surprised me and had reserved us some cake for the intermission <3 The ballet was really good and I liked it a lot. I especially liked that for the underwater parts the audience got 3D-glasses. I don't usually like 3D-effect but this was a nice extra :>
I have finally beated the conflu. My cosplays for Cosvision weren't exactly fit for the weather so I got no one but myself to blame l'D
On the Friday before the con I went to see Little Mermaid ballet with my mom at Helsinki National Opera. It was my birthday then and we celebrated it a little and mom surprised me and had reserved us some cake for the intermission <3 The ballet was really good and I liked it a lot. I especially liked that for the underwater parts the audience got 3D-glasses. I don't usually like 3D-effect but this was a nice extra :>
Lauantaiaamuna sitten ylös aikasin että ehdin meikata ja laittaa mahdollisimman paljon valmiiksi jo kotona. Tämä oli harvinainen coni, nimittäin lähdin ekaa kertaa pitkään aikaan JUNALLA coniin, vieläpä yksin! : D Edellinen kerta kun menin julkisilla pk-seudun ulkopuoliseen coniin tais itseasiassa olla edellinen Cosvision! Enkä oikeestaan nytkään menny kun puolet junamatkasta yksin, nimittäin kiitos Twitterin todettiin Even kanssa olevamme samassa junassa vain vaunun etäisyydellä, joten lipuntarkastuksen jälkeen hipsin sinne loppu matkaksi. Mikä tuuri! Loppumatka menikin sitten rattoisasti, vaikka eipä tuo matka muutenkaan kestäny kun n. tunnin.
Asemalla erottiin, Eve jäi oottamaan kaveriltaan kyytiä (tarjos kyllä et pääsisin samaa matkaa, mut kun en ois vielä päässy tuntii sisälle kuitenkaa), ja mie suuntasin Sokos hotellille missä Mii ja Aruto odottelivat ja hengattiin siellä hetki kunnes coni aukes. Conipaikalle päästyä käytiin pukkareilla laittamassa cossit loppuun päälle. Ehdittiin onneks just ennen pahinta tungosta pois. Mikä idea on laittaa cosplaytapahtumaan vaan yks pukuhuone, jossa on yks peili, ja huone muutenki on pieni! Käytiin tsekkaamassa avajaiset, josta mä siirryin oottamaan varaamani shootin alkua, ja jälleen olin saanut jesmon kuvaajakseni :> se on kiva kun tietää etukäteen millaista jälkeä tulee, tuossa varausslotissa oli nimittäin toinenkin kuvaaja vapaana, mutta kun en nickin perusteella tiennyt kuka oli kyseessä tai millasia kuvia mahtaisi ottaa, päätin mennä sillä jonka tiesin entuudesta. Tämä kuitenkin oli ainoa aika joka mulle kävi.
Shootti meni hyvin vaikka ulkona oliki tosi kylmä TT__TT Jesmo lähetti mulle raakakuvat josta sain valita muokattavat, ja kaikki näytti tosi hyviltä ja mulla oli kovia valinnanvaikeuksia. Teen niistä oman postauksen kunhan saan ne käsiini :>
Saturday morning I ahd to get up early so that I had time to do my make up and put on my cosplay as much as possible at home. This was a rare con as for the first time in long time I traveled to con by TRAIN, alone even! : D Last time I used public transport for con out side capital area cons was probably actaully previous Cosvision! And I only went alone for half of the way as thanks to Twitter, we noticed with Eve that we are in the same train just one cart apart, so after our tickets were checked I moved my stuff to her. What a luck! Rest of the trip went on plesantly, even though well it took as a whole only about an hour.
We separated at the train station. Eve went to wait her friend to come fetch her (she offered I could join them, but I wouldn't have got in the con place yet anyway) and I went to Sokos hotel where Mii and Aruto were waiting and hanged there with them until the con opened. When we got to the con we went to dressing room to put rest of the cosplays on. Good thing we got out before the rush hours. What idea was it to put one small dressing room, with one mirror, to a cosplay convention! We went to see the opening ceremony and then I went to wait for my photoshoot I had booked to start, my photographer being again jesmo :> it was nice to know what kind of results you're going to get, in this booking slot there was another free photographer too, but as I didn't know the nick or who it was or what kind of photos they would take I decided to go by with the one I know. This was the only time it was possible for me to take the photoshoot.
The shoot went well even though it was very cold TT_TT Jesmo sent me the raws form where I could pick which ones I wanted to be edited, and they all looked so good and I had very difficult time to pick my favorites. I'll make own post of them when I get them :>
Saturday morning I ahd to get up early so that I had time to do my make up and put on my cosplay as much as possible at home. This was a rare con as for the first time in long time I traveled to con by TRAIN, alone even! : D Last time I used public transport for con out side capital area cons was probably actaully previous Cosvision! And I only went alone for half of the way as thanks to Twitter, we noticed with Eve that we are in the same train just one cart apart, so after our tickets were checked I moved my stuff to her. What a luck! Rest of the trip went on plesantly, even though well it took as a whole only about an hour.
We separated at the train station. Eve went to wait her friend to come fetch her (she offered I could join them, but I wouldn't have got in the con place yet anyway) and I went to Sokos hotel where Mii and Aruto were waiting and hanged there with them until the con opened. When we got to the con we went to dressing room to put rest of the cosplays on. Good thing we got out before the rush hours. What idea was it to put one small dressing room, with one mirror, to a cosplay convention! We went to see the opening ceremony and then I went to wait for my photoshoot I had booked to start, my photographer being again jesmo :> it was nice to know what kind of results you're going to get, in this booking slot there was another free photographer too, but as I didn't know the nick or who it was or what kind of photos they would take I decided to go by with the one I know. This was the only time it was possible for me to take the photoshoot.
The shoot went well even though it was very cold TT_TT Jesmo sent me the raws form where I could pick which ones I wanted to be edited, and they all looked so good and I had very difficult time to pick my favorites. I'll make own post of them when I get them :>
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I got one photo as sample already! <3 |
Shootista suoraan kipitin katsomaan Cosplay mediassa-luentoa. Siinä käytiin läpi mm miten lehdet vuosien varrella ovat cosplaysta uutisoineet (reaktioni: oh god, miksi, lol). Esimerkkejä "Pukeudu Japaniin", "Elämää animesankarina", "Saako tästä edes puhua?", ja tietysti ne kaikki otsikot missä cossaajat on vallannu kaupungin/rakennuksen/ missä coni sijaitsee. Luento oli hyvä ja tosi hauska, mitä nyt Rimpulta voikin odottaa : D ("..minun kanat!")
Luennon jälkeen pyöriskelin ympäriinsä mm myyntipöydät ja kävin syömässä, ja oikeestaan kisoihin asti päivä tais mennä vaan hengaillessa. Päätin olla edes yrittämättä CMV kisaan, koska sali oli pieni ja jonoa oli niin paljon että kaikki jonottajatkaan ei mitenkään mahtuis sisälle.
Odotin kutsuvieraskisaa, koska se oli tänä vuonna juuri sellainen mitä odotin viimeksikin, eli ne Suomea edustaneet ja tunnetut cossaajat kisaamassa toisiaan vastaan! Harmi vaan että peruutiksia oli ollut paljon ja vain 4 kisaajaa pääsi lavalle >: mutta ne neljä olivat kyllä tosi hyviä kaikki! Hall Cosplayssa oli myös tosi hienoja asuja kaikki, ja pari tuttuakin oli sinne päässyt (ja yksi jopa voitti, onnea Chiru!)
Kisat loppuivat ajoissa, ja taas oikeestaan vaan hengailin kaverien kanssa siihen kuuteen asti kun coni meni kiinni ennen iltabileitä. Ei jaksettu sinne jäädä kun ois pitäny maksaa erikseen ja oltiin kaikki kylmissä ja nälkäsiä, joten meijän porukka lähti ajelemaan Tampereelle missä majottauduttiin taas Shessun ja Kaguran ja Rinin luona. Syötiin pizzaa ja juteltiin loppuilta ja Kagura leipoi muffinsseja, joita ei kyllä ehitty syömään vaan jätettiin seuraavalle päivälle evääksi!
From the photoshoot I ran to see Cosplay in media-panel. It went trough how different magazines had talked about cosplay (my reactions: oh god, why, lol). For example we've had "Dress up into Japan", "Life as anime hero", "Is is even allowed to talk about this?"and of course those numerous headlines about how cosplayers have invaded the city/building the con was held in. The panel was good and really fun, what was to expect from Rimppu :D ("....my chickens!")
After the panel I just walked around, went to see the dealer's hal and went for lunch, and basically just hanged out with friends until the competiton. I decided not to even try to go to the CMV contest as the line of waiting people was so long even half of them wouldn't have fit into the small room.
I had really waited for the All Stars competiton, because this year it was what I expected it to be last time too, the well known and those who have represented Finland internationally competing against each others! Too bad only four contestants made it to the stage >: but all four were really good! There were many great costumes in Hall Cosplay too, and there were even few people I knew (And one even won, congrantulations Chiru!)
The competition ended early and pretty much again I just hanged out with friends until the 6 pm when the con closed before the after party. We didn't stay for that as it cost separately and we were all cold and hungry so our group drove to Tampere where we stayed again at Shessu, Kagura and Rin's place. We ate pizza and just talked and Kagura made muffins, which we didn't get to eat yet so we saved them for the next day to take with us!
From the photoshoot I ran to see Cosplay in media-panel. It went trough how different magazines had talked about cosplay (my reactions: oh god, why, lol). For example we've had "Dress up into Japan", "Life as anime hero", "Is is even allowed to talk about this?"and of course those numerous headlines about how cosplayers have invaded the city/building the con was held in. The panel was good and really fun, what was to expect from Rimppu :D ("....my chickens!")
After the panel I just walked around, went to see the dealer's hal and went for lunch, and basically just hanged out with friends until the competiton. I decided not to even try to go to the CMV contest as the line of waiting people was so long even half of them wouldn't have fit into the small room.
I had really waited for the All Stars competiton, because this year it was what I expected it to be last time too, the well known and those who have represented Finland internationally competing against each others! Too bad only four contestants made it to the stage >: but all four were really good! There were many great costumes in Hall Cosplay too, and there were even few people I knew (And one even won, congrantulations Chiru!)
The competition ended early and pretty much again I just hanged out with friends until the 6 pm when the con closed before the after party. We didn't stay for that as it cost separately and we were all cold and hungry so our group drove to Tampere where we stayed again at Shessu, Kagura and Rin's place. We ate pizza and just talked and Kagura made muffins, which we didn't get to eat yet so we saved them for the next day to take with us!
I bought some black worbla for myself as birthday present! |
Sunnuntai aamuna lähdettiin ajelemaan takasin Hämeenlinnaan ja oltiin perillä vähän ennen 11, ja menin suoraan kattomaan esityskisaa. Kaikki esitykset oli upeita, pari sellaista mille en ihan niin paljoo lämmenny, muttei nekään huonoja todellakaa ollu. Sijoittuneet oli omiakin lemppareita! Ja jälleen tuttuja oli joukossa, onnea Sona ja Laalaa! <3
Sunday morning we drove back to Hämeenlinna and arrived a bit before 11 and I went straight to see the skit competition. All the skits were really good, a couple that I didn't warm up for that much but they weren't bad either. The ones that placed were my favorites too! and again friends, congrats Sona and Laalaa! <3
muffiiiiins! and they were pink and delicous! <3 |
Kisojen jälkeen etsin muut meidän ryhmästä käsiini ja mentiin shoottiaan. Päivän teema oli tosiaan Free, ja meitä oli miun lisäksi Rin ja Nagisa. Sain viimeinkin Matsuoka-shoottini, eihän sitä ole odotettukkaan kun kaks vuotta! Kuvaajia oli monta, Nagisa, Kagura ja Anna, en ees ala erittelemään niitä kun en muista kuka otti ja mitä :'D Editoinnit on omaa käsialaani.
After the competiton I searched for the rest of our group and we went to photoshoot. The theme of the day was Free and we had, besides me, Rin and Nagisa. I finally got my Matsuoka-shoot, I've only waited for it for two years! We had many photographers, Nagisa, Kagura and Anna, I won't even start separating as I don't remember who took which photo :'D Edits are by me.
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why do I love these selfie photos so much :'D |
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We googled a lot of reference pictures before hand |
Shootin jälkeen käytiin syömässä ja minä lähin kattomaan Cossikisa-luentoa. Tykkäsin tästäkin ja tuli hyvää infoa kisojen järjestämisestä.
Kuvailtiin vielä vähän luennon jälkeen ja sitten menin poistamaan piilarit ja peruukin koska conia ei ollu enää paljoa jäljellä. Käytiin pikaseen Kaguran kanssa kaupassa ja istuskeltiin sitten loppuconi juttelemassa. Olin junalippuja ostaessa pähkäilly otanko seittemältä vai kuudelta lähtevän junan, jos oisin tienny et vika tunti on vaan istumista ja odottamista että koska voi lähteä oisin ottanu jo sen aiemman.
After the photoshoot I went to listen to the panel about Cosplay competitions. I liked this one too and there was good answers and info about how to arrange competitions.
We took some more photos after the panel and then I went to take off contacts and wig as there weren't much of the con left anymore. We went to store with Kagura to byt food and then just sat and talked for the rest for the con. I had wondered when buying the train tickets whether to take the one that leaves at 6 or 5 pm, and if I had known that the last hour was just waiting when I can leave I would have taken the earlier one.
Cosvision oli, miten sen nyt sanois... aika meh. Ei yltäny edeltäjänsä tasolle. Tätä oli kuitenkin 2 vuotta odotettu innolla, ja sitten ei ihan vastannutkaan täysin odotuksia. Luennot oli hyviä missä kävin, mutta niitä peruuntu aika paljon. Ihmisiä oli jotenkin tosi vähän. Informaatiossa oli taas jotain häikkää, koska missään ei esim. kerrottu et onko kisoihin paikkaliput ennen kun siitä kysyttiin itse twitterissä. Tää aiheutti aika paljon hämminkiä, koska moni ilmeisesti tuli ilman lippua (niitä ei myöskää tarkastettu ovella). Lisäks sunnuntain kisoille oli ohjelmalehdessä eri aika kun mitä ilmeisesti itse kisaajille ja tuomareille oli sanottu. Ja jälleen voin ulista siitä pukkarista. Plussaa siitä että se oli unisex, mutta sermit joilla naisten ja miesten puoli erotettiin (jos et halunnut siis vaihtaa vaatteita toisen sukupuolen nähden) vei melkeen kaiken tilan. Tää johti siihen että ihmiset jonotti pukkariin ja osa meikkaili sitten siinä ulkopuolella. Ohjelmasalit oli muutenki tosi pieniä. En tiedä miks CMV-kisa oli pistetty niihin, eikä isoon saliin, kun varmasti tiedettiin että sitä moni haluaa katsomaan. Myyntipöytäsali oli aika olematon, varmaan puolet vähemmän kaupustelijoita kun normaalisti. Lauantai oli myös varmaan lyhyin conipäivä ikinä sitten ykspäivästen tapahtumien lisäks. Conipaikka kiinni kuudelta, ja seiskalta uusiks auki jollon alko iltabileet joihin oli erillinen pääsymaksu (7,5 e ovelta x___x).
En nyt tiedä oliko tää sen 25 euron arvosta, mutta ainakin näki kavereita ja sai paljon kuvia. Noin muuten oli ihan kivaa, ja sain rahalle nyt kuitenkin jotain vastinetta itse tapahtumastakin. Ei Cosvision ihan täysfloppi ollu, vaikka parantamista onkin. Olipahan kerrankin tilaa hengittää eikä kokoajan tarvinnu pelätä jonkun tönivän.Verkatehdas oli tilana kiva niin sisältä kuin ympäristöstäkin (jos ei vaan ois ollu kylmä, ulkona ois ollu tosi kiva istuskella). Ulkona oli paljon erilaista kuvausympäristöä, kaikille jotain. Lasipiha oli tosi kiva ja valoisa ja mahdollisti myös sisäkuvat koska ulkona oli kylmä. Ja vaikka alkuun paikka tuntu vähän sokkelolta, ainaki ite totuin kulkemaa tosi nopeesti, eikä siellä ny loppujen lopus ollu montaa mutkaa mihin eksyä. Ainoa huono puoli oli Hämeenlinnassa majoituspuoli, sillä siellä oli vaan tosi kalliita hotelleja. Yllättävän moni ilmeisesti matkusti yöksi kotiin. Jos Cosvision jää Verkatehtaalle, kenties voisi panostaa isompaan lattiamajoitukseen? Myös iso käsi Verkatehtaan työntekijöille, jotka oli tosi avuliaita ja mukavia vaikka me hassusti pukeutuneet nuoret vallattiinki niiden työpaikka. Sen sijaan että häädetään pois portailta, tuotiin tyynyt jotta on mukavampi istua : D Ja kyllä ne mustat puvut aina keltaset huomioliivit voittaa.
Ugh, Elina on puhunut. Cosvision oli ehkä silleen 3/5. Odotan kuitenkin innolla seuraavaa kertaa nähdäkseni miten silloin toimii :>
Cosvision was, how would I say it... a bit meh. It didn't reach the level as the previous one. I was eagerly waiting for this for 2 years and then it didn't really meet my expectations. The panels I went to were good even though many were unfortunately cancelled. There were so few people it was weird. Infromation didn't work well, for example it was never told anywhere did you need seat tickets for the competitions or not before we asked ourselves in Twitter. This caused some confusion as some people came in without tickets (they didn't check them either at the doors). Also for Sunday's contest the time given at the program was different that was told to contestants and judges. And again the dressing room! It was good that it was unisex, but the partitions that separated men and women (if you didn't want to change in front of other gender) took all the space. There was a huge line to the dressing rooms and many did their make ups on the hall ways outside of it. the rooms for programs were very small. I don't get why the CMV contest was held in these and not in the big stage, as I'm sure it was obvious many wanted to see it. The dealer's hall was pretty non existing, there weren't even half of the sellers that usually are in cons. Saturday was probably the shortest con day ever apart from one-day cons. Con closed at 6 pm and reopened at 7 for the after party that you needed to pay separately for (7,5 euros form the door x_x)
I don't know if this was worth the 25 euros, but at least I saw friends and lots of photos. I did have fun and at least I got something for my money. Cosvision wasn't a complete failure, even though there is room for improvement. For once there was room to breath and move without fearing you're going to bump into someone. Verkatehdas was very good both from inside and outside (if it hadn't been so cold it would have been nice to sit outside). There were many shooting possibilities outside, something from everyone. Big hall was really nice and had lots of light so it was possible to take photos inside too as it was so cold outside. Even if the place first felt a bit maze-y at least I got used to it quickly, and in the end there weren't even that many turns you could get lost with. Only minus in Hämeenlinna is the lack of sleeping places, as there are only very expensive hotels. I assume many did like us and traveled home for night. If Cosvision stays in Verkatehdas, maybe it could arrange for more sleeping accomondations? A big hand for workers of Verkatehdas who were really nice and helpful even when we funnily dressed youngs invaded their workplace. Instead of telling people not to sit at the stairs like usally they brought pillows so it would be more comfortable to sit : D and the black suits look way better than yellow safety vests.
Ugh, Elina has spoken. Cosvision was maybe 3/5. I'll happily wait for the next time to see how it turns out :>
Seuraavat cossit on jo päätetty, Desuun uudeksi asuksi meinaan tehdä Goun seilori-puvun (at laaast~) ja Animeconiin Shaman Kingin Lysergin. SK cosseista saatan tehdä oman postauksen. Ihan vaan et pääsen puhumaan Shaman Kingistä, lälläslää. Josta puheen ollen, ollaan kaverin kanssa menossa Desuun pitämään ohjelmaa SK:sta! Hui, jännittää!
I've got next cosplays decided already, for Desucon I'll make Gou's sailor outfit (at laaast~) and for Animecon Lyserg from Shaman King. I think I might make own post about SK cosplays. Just so I get to talk about Shaman King, huehue. Speaking of that, me and my friend are going to Desucon to have panel about SK! Yieks, I'm already nervous!
Yeah, I agree with you that it was a disappointment but not a complete flop. I must also admit that the Verkatehdas workers were really nice and professional and well, it was a plus that they were well-dressed, haha!
VastaaPoistaFor me the building felt very confusing at first too, kinda maze-like, but at least you got used to it. The merch hall was a disappointment though because there were so few sellers. :/
Yeah, well, after going from one end to another few times when there was nothing else to do I kinda got to know it :'D I know right, wanted to buy manga, where's my Fantsu D: Also it was shame the artist alley was so small.