Päätettiin jo vuos sitten Frostin jälkeen Miin että ois kiva kisata yhessä uudestaan ja ois kiva kisata Love Live-asuilla. Eka yritettiin keksiä jotain Honokalle (en ennen tätä ollu ees aatellu et cossaisin muita läpätytyjä) ja Elille, mutta sitten keväällä julkastiin Kotorin ja Elin poliisi- ja rosvo-kortit, ja heti kun näin ne keksin jopa esityksen tyngän. Onneks Mii hyväksy ehdotuksen ja näillä mentiin. Aluks oli puhe josko yritettäis WCS-karsintoihi Traconiin, mutta portfoliohaku tuliki sitte vähä turhan pian toukokuussa eikä meillä ollu vielä ees kankaita tai mitään. Päädyttiin siis jälleen ECG:hn.
We decided already about year ago after Frostbite with Mii that we would like to compete again together and that it would be nice to compete with Love Live costumes. First we tried to find something for Honoka (because I had not even thought that I'd cosplay some other LL-girl before this) and Eli, but then during spring they published police and thief cards for Kotori and Eli, and when I saw them I got an idea for a skit too. Mii accapted it and we rolled with it. We first spoke about WCS and Tracon but as the portfolio application came a bit too soon in May and we didn't even have fabrics or anything. So we decided on ECG again.
We decided already about year ago after Frostbite with Mii that we would like to compete again together and that it would be nice to compete with Love Live costumes. First we tried to find something for Honoka (because I had not even thought that I'd cosplay some other LL-girl before this) and Eli, but then during spring they published police and thief cards for Kotori and Eli, and when I saw them I got an idea for a skit too. Mii accapted it and we rolled with it. We first spoke about WCS and Tracon but as the portfolio application came a bit too soon in May and we didn't even have fabrics or anything. So we decided on ECG again.
yks saatanan työmaa |
Esitysideaa lähettiin sitten kesän aikana hiomaan, mutta lopullisessa muodossaan se tais olla vikoissa treeneissä viikko ennen Frostia. Haluttiin käyttää sekä korttien ammatteja sekä hahmojen idolipuolta hyväksi. Päädyttiin tälläiseen dance battleen varkaan ja poliisin välille. Esitys tapahtuu "museossa", jonne on tuotu kallis aarre, ja kuuluisa mestarivaras lähtee sitä havittelemaan. Mutta hän jotenkin onnistuukin aiheuttamaan hälytyksen ja poliisi/vartija saapuu paikalle.
Aarteeksi päätyi kaulakoru, en tiedä näkyykö se kummallakaan videolla mitä laitoin conipostaukseen :'D mietittiin ruukkuja tms mutta lopulta päädyttiin tähän.
Sermissä oleva taulu taas on mun jostai lukion kuvistunnilta kun piti tehä oma versio Kalevalan siitä Aino-kuvasta xD Taustalla olevan lehtileikkeen tein mä ja Mii askarteli pistekortit. Meillä oli eka idea et oltais tanssien taustalle nauhotettu pelistä pätkiä, mut sitte huomattiin että videota saiki olla vaan 30 sekuntia joten jouduttiin jättämään se idea pois. Mutta toimi tää näinki, eipähä ollu video viemässä huomiota meistä pois.
Meillä oli pari alternative endingiä tähän. Kotori olisi saanut Elin kiinni, Eli olisi korun viskamisen jälkeen itse suostunut kiinniotettavaksi, Kotori olisikin ehdottanut varastamaan korun yhdessä, ja että jotenkin Eli olisi vetänyt Kotorin mukaan ja he olisivat paenneet yhdessä (tämä idea tuli korttien asettelusta)
We started working on the skit idea during the summer but in the final form it became only at the last practice session a week before convention. We wanted to use both the careers in the cards and the fact that the characters are idols. So we ended up to an idea with a dance battle between the police and the thief. The skit takes place in a "museum", to which some valuable treasure has been taken and a famous master thief goes to steal it. But somehow she ends up setting the alarm and the police arrives.
The treasure became a necklace, I don't know it shows in either of the videos I've posted :'D we thought about vases and stuff but this seemed like the best option.
The painting on the fabric was a painting I did during high school art class where we had to make own version of a Finnish painting called Aino. I made the news paper on the screen and Mii did the score pictures. We were planning on fimling parts of the game to play on the background but then realized the contest only allowed 30 seconds of video on the skit so we had to drop it. But it worked this way too, at least the video wasn't there to take the attention away from us.
We had a couple of alternative endings. Kotori would have caught Eli, Eli would have agreed to be caught herself after throwing the necklace, Kotori would have suggested they steal it together or that Eli would have made Kotori involved somehow and they would have ran off together (this idea came from the cards' setting)
Sermissä oleva taulu taas on mun jostai lukion kuvistunnilta kun piti tehä oma versio Kalevalan siitä Aino-kuvasta xD Taustalla olevan lehtileikkeen tein mä ja Mii askarteli pistekortit. Meillä oli eka idea et oltais tanssien taustalle nauhotettu pelistä pätkiä, mut sitte huomattiin että videota saiki olla vaan 30 sekuntia joten jouduttiin jättämään se idea pois. Mutta toimi tää näinki, eipähä ollu video viemässä huomiota meistä pois.
Meillä oli pari alternative endingiä tähän. Kotori olisi saanut Elin kiinni, Eli olisi korun viskamisen jälkeen itse suostunut kiinniotettavaksi, Kotori olisikin ehdottanut varastamaan korun yhdessä, ja että jotenkin Eli olisi vetänyt Kotorin mukaan ja he olisivat paenneet yhdessä (tämä idea tuli korttien asettelusta)
We started working on the skit idea during the summer but in the final form it became only at the last practice session a week before convention. We wanted to use both the careers in the cards and the fact that the characters are idols. So we ended up to an idea with a dance battle between the police and the thief. The skit takes place in a "museum", to which some valuable treasure has been taken and a famous master thief goes to steal it. But somehow she ends up setting the alarm and the police arrives.
The treasure became a necklace, I don't know it shows in either of the videos I've posted :'D we thought about vases and stuff but this seemed like the best option.
The painting on the fabric was a painting I did during high school art class where we had to make own version of a Finnish painting called Aino. I made the news paper on the screen and Mii did the score pictures. We were planning on fimling parts of the game to play on the background but then realized the contest only allowed 30 seconds of video on the skit so we had to drop it. But it worked this way too, at least the video wasn't there to take the attention away from us.
We had a couple of alternative endings. Kotori would have caught Eli, Eli would have agreed to be caught herself after throwing the necklace, Kotori would have suggested they steal it together or that Eli would have made Kotori involved somehow and they would have ran off together (this idea came from the cards' setting)
photo: Mikael Peltomaa |
Yritettiin saada koomista fiilistä esitykseen, joten valittiin muut kappaleet raitaan sen mukaan, mm Pink Pantheria ja se stereotypinen jahtausbiisi jonka nimeä en nyt muista, sekä hassuja ääniefektejä. Puhereplat meille äänitti Jani-saurus, kiitos paljon! Haluttiin niihin sellanen perustappelupelien möreä miesääni :'D
When the skit idea was done we started making the music tape. We pondered for a long between two or three dances but ended up in three. We wanted to use other idolgroups' music too and not just Love Live :> I changed my songs for a couple of times but in the end we used these, in the order they're played: Cutie Panther (Love Live), River (AKB48), Middle Management (C-ute), Bokutatchi wa hitotsu na hikari (Love Live), Beginner (AKB48) and Megitsune (Babymetal).
When the skit idea was done we started making the music tape. We pondered for a long between two or three dances but ended up in three. We wanted to use other idolgroups' music too and not just Love Live :> I changed my songs for a couple of times but in the end we used these, in the order they're played: Cutie Panther (Love Live), River (AKB48), Middle Management (C-ute), Bokutatchi wa hitotsu na hikari (Love Live), Beginner (AKB48) and Megitsune (Babymetal).
We tried to get a comical atmosphere to the skit so we chose the other music with that thought, like Pink Panther and that stereotypical comical chasing song which name I don't now remember and funny sound effects. The speaking lines were recorded by Jani-saurus, thank you very much! We wanted to have that usual low male voice from fighting games :'D
Sitten alkoi harjoittelu. Välimatkat vähän vaikeutti asioita mutta kolmesti päästiin treenaamaan yhessä. Ekat treenit meillä oli muistaakseni lokakuussa? Varasin meille Suvelan nuorisotalolta peilisalin sitä varten, ja se osoittautui hyväksi ideaksi, niin pystyttiin vähän kattomaan miltä homma näyttää. Mutta jo ekoissa treeneissa ite esitys alko sujumaan kivasti. Alun perin tultiin kummatkin samasta paikasta lavalle, mutta muutettiin myöhemmin että Eli tuleekin sermin takaa, mikä meidän mielestä ainaki vaikutti kivalta.
Treenikertojen lisäks tietty kumpikin treenas omia tansseja itekseen. Olin opetellu Riveriä joskus muinoin niin osasin sen jo jotenkunten, mutta muut oli uusia. Bokutachin opin nopsaan ja se oliki oma lempparini näistä, Megitsune oli vähä haaste ku se tuli mukaanki aika myöhään. Just tanssien takii tää esitys myös kuumotti mua tuplasti enemmän ku viime vuotinen.. en oo kauheen hyvä tanssija :'D
Esitys meni kummanki mielestä hyvin, ite mokailin pari kertaa just tansseissa. Riverin vedin vähä turhan nopsaan mut pistän jännityksen piikkiin! Muutenki tykkättiin kumpiki älysti meijän ideasta ja olin tyytyväinen omaan asuun ja suoritukseen :> En odottanukkaa sijotuksia, en koe että olisin sillä tasolla, mutta omaan tasoon nähden Kotori oli onnistunu. Toki parannettavaa oli mutta parhaani tein. Ainoa asia mistä en ihan rehellisesti tykännu oli peruukki, joka oli hirveen huono aatunen takkukasa. En oo ees viittiny yrittää suoristaa sitä, musta tuntuu että se on menetetty tapaus..
Olin hirmu ilonen ku moni kaveri sano tykänneensä meijän esityksestä >//w//< Kiitos kaikille! <3
Then began the training. We live quite far away from each others so that made things difficult again but we got to practice three times together. Our first practice was in October if I remember correctly? I reserved a gym room with a big mirror from Suvela's youth house which was very good idea so we saw how we look. But already during the first practice the skit started to roll pretty well. Originally we both came from the same side to the stage but we changed it so that Eli comes from behind the fabric, we thought it seemed better.
Apart from these practices we both practices our own dances individually. I had tried to learn River already before so I knew it somehow, but others were new. I learnt Bokutachi pretty quickly and it was actually my favorite of these. Megitsune was a bit harder as it came along later. But because of dances I was more nervous with this skit than the previous one... I'm not really good dancer :'D
The skit went well, I messed up a couple of times with dances tho. I did River too fast but I'll put that on the nervousness! Overall we both liked our idea alot and I was happy with my costume and how we did :> I didn't expect placings, I don't think I'm on that level yet, but on my own level I think Kotori was well done. Of course there are things I'd do differently now. Only thing I didn't like was the wig, which was horribly bad quality and messy. I haven't even bothered of trying to untangle it, I think it's a lost case..
I'm super happy that many friends said they liked our skit >//w//< Thank you very much everybody! <3
Tästä tuli huomattavasti suppeempi kun mitä olin aluks ajatellu, mulla oli hieno postaus mielessä heti sillon Frostin jälkeen, mutta kun tämä nyt vähän venähti kaiken muun kiireen takia nii en oikee enää tienny mitä sanoo/muistanu mitää :'D Lavakuviakaa harmi kyllä iha hirveesti oo löytyny, eikä virallisia kisaajakuviakaa oo vielä julkastu, nii kuviakaan en tähän juuri saanu :<
Mutta toivottavasti tästä nyt sai irti edes jotain??
This turned out to be much shorter than I thought, I had good idea on what to write after the con, but as this got delayed this far because of everything else I didn't really know what to say or remember anything anymore :'D I haven't found many stage photos and they have't published the official competitor photos yet either so I didn't even get that many photos here :<
But hopefully you got something out of this??
Tsau! o/
photo: Nyymix |
Treenikertojen lisäks tietty kumpikin treenas omia tansseja itekseen. Olin opetellu Riveriä joskus muinoin niin osasin sen jo jotenkunten, mutta muut oli uusia. Bokutachin opin nopsaan ja se oliki oma lempparini näistä, Megitsune oli vähä haaste ku se tuli mukaanki aika myöhään. Just tanssien takii tää esitys myös kuumotti mua tuplasti enemmän ku viime vuotinen.. en oo kauheen hyvä tanssija :'D
Esitys meni kummanki mielestä hyvin, ite mokailin pari kertaa just tansseissa. Riverin vedin vähä turhan nopsaan mut pistän jännityksen piikkiin! Muutenki tykkättiin kumpiki älysti meijän ideasta ja olin tyytyväinen omaan asuun ja suoritukseen :> En odottanukkaa sijotuksia, en koe että olisin sillä tasolla, mutta omaan tasoon nähden Kotori oli onnistunu. Toki parannettavaa oli mutta parhaani tein. Ainoa asia mistä en ihan rehellisesti tykännu oli peruukki, joka oli hirveen huono aatunen takkukasa. En oo ees viittiny yrittää suoristaa sitä, musta tuntuu että se on menetetty tapaus..
Olin hirmu ilonen ku moni kaveri sano tykänneensä meijän esityksestä >//w//< Kiitos kaikille! <3
Then began the training. We live quite far away from each others so that made things difficult again but we got to practice three times together. Our first practice was in October if I remember correctly? I reserved a gym room with a big mirror from Suvela's youth house which was very good idea so we saw how we look. But already during the first practice the skit started to roll pretty well. Originally we both came from the same side to the stage but we changed it so that Eli comes from behind the fabric, we thought it seemed better.
Apart from these practices we both practices our own dances individually. I had tried to learn River already before so I knew it somehow, but others were new. I learnt Bokutachi pretty quickly and it was actually my favorite of these. Megitsune was a bit harder as it came along later. But because of dances I was more nervous with this skit than the previous one... I'm not really good dancer :'D
The skit went well, I messed up a couple of times with dances tho. I did River too fast but I'll put that on the nervousness! Overall we both liked our idea alot and I was happy with my costume and how we did :> I didn't expect placings, I don't think I'm on that level yet, but on my own level I think Kotori was well done. Of course there are things I'd do differently now. Only thing I didn't like was the wig, which was horribly bad quality and messy. I haven't even bothered of trying to untangle it, I think it's a lost case..
I'm super happy that many friends said they liked our skit >//w//< Thank you very much everybody! <3
photo: Tytti Levänen |
Mutta toivottavasti tästä nyt sai irti edes jotain??
This turned out to be much shorter than I thought, I had good idea on what to write after the con, but as this got delayed this far because of everything else I didn't really know what to say or remember anything anymore :'D I haven't found many stage photos and they have't published the official competitor photos yet either so I didn't even get that many photos here :<
But hopefully you got something out of this??
Tsau! o/
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